High-capacity, dry-charged, ready-for-instant-activation-by-adding-water, easily-replaceable, non-rechargeable, recyclable and safe electrochemical cell for producing hydrogen and electrical energy on demand

Vehicles powered by various types of energy are well known and widely used. Air pollution by internal combustion engines is an enormous environmental problem. Ever-shrinking resources of fossil fuels worsen the problem at hand. 

Vehicles powered exclusively by electricity, in turn, do not have such problem. However, relatively low battery capacity, short service life, high cost and shortage of raw materials, as well as significant fire hazard of these batteries triggered a search for other types of fuel and methods to store energy aboard a vehicle.

One of the well-known sources of “clean” energy is hydrogen, since its oxidation with atmospheric oxygen produces only water. Moreover, the calorific value of hydrogen is extremely high - 141 MJ/kg.  

A safer way to power a vehicle’s hydrogen fuel cells  or hydrogen ​combustion engine is to avoid storing hydrogen aboard, but rather producing it on demand.

Our team of inventors established the following requirements for the hydrogen/electric power source:

• The device must be portable to conveniently fit within a compact passenger car;
• The rate of hydrogen evolution reaction must be sufficient to provide enough power to the vehicle’s power unit of not less than 30 kW;
• The hydrogen evolution reaction must be manageable, i.e. the hydrogen release rate should vary on demand from 0 to 100% output;
• The device must not contain or consume expensive, rare, toxic and hazardous substances;
• The device must be simple, reliable and cheap.

However, an exceptionally low density of gaseous hydrogen and its high diffusivity under pressure make hydrogen storage a particularly difficult problem. 

For example, to store hydrogen at a normal ambient temperature, a pressure of more than 60 MPa is required. On the other hand, it is no less dangerous to store hydrogen in its liquid state aboard a vehicle, because its storage requires a low temperature of lower than −252.9°C (−423°F).​ 

When the temperature rises, the liquid hydrogen boils continuously, necessitating release of constantly evaporating gaseous hydrogen to the atmosphere.

High-capacity, dry-charged, ready-for-instant-activation-by-adding-water, easily-replaceable, non-rechargeable, recyclable and safe electrochemical cell for producing hydrogen and electrical energy on demand, based on electrochemical interactions of magnesium, water and sulfuric acid.

Magnesium is one of the most energy-intensive materials for chemical sources of electrical energy - about 1100 Wh/kg. In addition, magnesium does not corrode in air or room- temperature water.

Technical Specifications

Replaceable, Non-Rechargeable, Modular Battery
for a large passenger vehicle of
1 metric ton (2204 pounds)


Single charge range - 600 miles (1000 km)


Average Energy consumption per 100 miles - 14 kWh


Energy consumption per range - 84 kWh / 300 MJ


Battery efficiency - 65%


Total battery energy reserve: 300 MJ / 0.65 = 460 MJ


Weight of magnesium anodes - 25 kg


Weight of water consumed per range - 70 kg


Weight of captured and reused water - 35 kg


Weight of Hydrogen produced per 1 cycle - 3.88 kg


Weight of other electrolyte components - 30 kg


Weight of other battery parts - 10 kg


Total initial battery weight - 100 kg


Battery energy density - 840 Wh/kg


Specific yield of hydrogen 3.88 kg / 100 kg x 100% = 3.88% of battery weight