
Was Astrodrive built and tested? Yes. Two Astrodrive prototypes were built and excessively tested with conclusive affirmative results in line with theoretical findings.
Was Tetraoxygen synthesized by the team? Yes. Although the production of tetraoxygen is a technologically complex process that involves extremely aggressive Fluorine as an intermediate product, the team was able to synthesize, store and test tetraoxygen in laboratory quantities. Liquid tetraoxygen has a beautiful light lilac color.
What is the current status of Astrodrive R&D? In order to transition Astrodrive design to higher operational frequencies between 2.5 and 100 GHz, a new R&D facility is being built in Florida.
What is the current status of tetraoxygen R&D? Tetraoxygen R&D and Industrial Pilot Production facility must be a fluorine-rated secure chemical site. The company is currently in process of obtaining all necessary permits for two sites. The proposed tetraoxygen production method and the work plan have been analyzed by the NASA environmental office, and were determined to be environmentally safe.
How are the energy storage and hydrogen producing devices the team is working on related to space exploration? High energy density battery capable of working within a wide range of temperatures is absolutely essential to the space exploration efforts, as well as national defense. The company was founded to commercialize the team’s innovations in space exploration, national defense, green energy, alternative power generation, energy storage and even healthcare.